Ghoulia is offering to help me fill out my income tax forms. She likes that the colors on the software box match her colors. I'm a bit skeptical about her expertise in matters such as this -- good thing the software does most of the work! :-)
On that day, way back when, the temperature was a windy and chilling 30 degrees. Today, the temperature hit 70 degrees and we brought home some pretty annuals from the local nursery and planted them. I guess we don't have to move south for the warmer weather as we grow older!
I have 2 children and a hubby...
I like being "the" mom...
we have a dog and 2 cats...
I take alot of pictures...of everything...I love to sew...our house is always "under construction" -- but in a good way...we build walls, closets, decks and lots of other stuff -- but only for our own use...
we do a pretty good job...
This is my happy bluebird...What's yours?