Yesterday, Rick did some work on the electricity part of the corner kitchen project.
View of the corner -- the light switch is way over there...
After discussing a few options, we decided the existing single light switch should simply be moved to the other side of the wall. This light switch is connected to another (3 way) light switch that is located on the wall to my right where I am standing to take the above photo.
Here is the cutout for the new placement of the light switch. The cereal box that is taped to the wall is catching debris.
View of the new opening. It is located next to an existing switch in the front room.
View of the switch in it's new placement.
View of the spackle/patching to close up the hole on the kitchen side of the wall.
This is the construction view of the electrical wiring in the wall (to the left side of little miss sofia :-) This photo made the switcheroo job much easier!
The total switcheroo took less than an hour.
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