Friday, March 20, 2015

~ first day of spring...

...light snow falling :-(

~ first day of spring...

I remembered this happening before, so I looked back through my blog -- and found this post from March 20, 2009 (click on the link below):

Ahhh...springtime (2009)...

The weather channel is making such a big deal about this -- but it has happened before -- probably quite a few times!

1 comment:

  1. It snowed all day here and we got about an inch. Kids didn't get a 2 hr. delay. Boy, were they disappointed! lol. Streets were all clear and snow all gone on Saturday with temperature reaching 53 degrees. Bright sunshine here today but a little chilly outside, 41 degrees. Gonna be a roller coaster week they say. But, better then the single digits!

    Hugs to all,

    Love, Mom


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