Monday, April 8, 2013

~ the case of the missing ajuga...

This is our ajuga plant in the backyard.  A couple of years ago, I took a small piece of the ajuga plant in our front yard and planted it here -- in the backyard -- just to see what would happen.  It grew nicely...  Note:  as I explained in the previous post -- most of the plants have not "greened up" yet -- that is why you are seeing some brown leaves.  During the spring/summer/fall the leaves are green and purple and resemble baby romaine :-)

~ ajuga...


This is the front yard -- where I took the small piece of ajuga from a couple of years ago.

~ ajuga...

What?  Do you see the layout of the stones in the photo?  That is where the ajuga was -- for five years.  It was thick and lovely and wonderful to look at on hot summer days.  Rick and I discovered that it was missing a couple of weeks ago.  I thought it might regroup itself and return.  But after a bit of spring cleanup yesterday the area is still bare.  It didn't even say not happy... :-(



  1. We had the same thing happen to us a few years ago and then one season it started slowly coming back.


  2. Maybe that's just the way this plant "works" -- thanks for letting me know you had a similar situation.


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