Wednesday, September 7, 2011


...go away...

That's better!  :-)

So, yesterday was a good first day back to school for both of my darlings.  Sofia agreed to pose for the annual "first day back to school" photo.  Nicholas did not -- so -- I have to use an older photo of him:

Nicholas - first day of kindergarten Sept. 2001

Hopefully these smiles brighten up your day!  :-)


  1. Good morning,

    So, did the rain, rain go away there? It hasn't yet here. Just have to tell you how adorable the first day of kindergarten picture is. How do you keep track of and find so easily the numerous pictures you have taken?

    Hope it is a good day for you!


  2. Yes, they certainly do! lol. Good luck to Sofia & Nick in their school year!

    Love, Grandma

  3. The rain cleared a bit... for now... I have most of my digital photos organized by month and year. There are some that are not properly organized -- so every now and then I "discover" some forgotten ones...


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