Is everything moving faster -- or -- am I just moving slower? We have plants to put in the ground, and, weeds to pull out of the ground. I think we have just about any weed you can think of growing in the dirt patches that were left behind from the pool project last year. We'll be working on those areas first -- and to start us off I bought 2 plants yesterday at Lowe's. The plant in the pot on the left are hens + chicks, and, the plant in the pot on the right is a lupine plant with multicolor flowers (or so the tag says). The pavers in the picture will be placed near the ladder end of the pool -- and then we'll move on to the walkway extending from the back gate to the driveway.
I'll update with pictures as we progress... hopefully... not... slowly...
and I thought it was only me who is getting less and less done...