Monday, September 13, 2010

bee bop sunflower hop...

We have the most amazing sunflowers this year! Some are over 10 feet in height. Some have over 10 flowers on one plant. Some grow in mostly shade. They are almost magical. We need to spread the goodness to more than just our little corner of the world. I will put the seeds from these plants aside to dry. If you are loving the sunflowers and need some seeds to plant in your own corner of the world, just let me know and I will put you on the list (I don't have a list yet, but, I would love to make one -- perhaps on the back of one of my envelopes!) Bee, you think Larry would approve? :-)


  1. WOW!!

    Those are beautiful sunflowers... YES Larry would approve! I still remember his hugh sunflowers standing in a row next to your house.


  2. YOur sunflowers look so good. Ours are all finished. I think the lack of rain & the hot hot temps did them in. Did I miss a project of Rick's. I see a brick wall in the 2nd picture that I don't remember seeing as ongoing. A beautiful day here after a rainy sunday but oh do we need the rain! We'll take the 3/10's that we got. Anything! Anything!


  3. The brick wall you are referring to is in my next door neighbor's yard. The sunflowers in her yard are from seeds that we gave her. All the sunflowers in the pictures are from the seeds we saved from our 2009 sunflowers.

  4. That explains why they are drooping. I think they need some of your TLC. lol.



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