...morning view of ice crystals on our back storm door. This morning's low temperature was 3 degrees farenheit (with wind chill it was -14 degrees farenheit).
The ice crystals on the back storm door formed when we opened the inner door to go outside. Oh, just in case your wondering...the shadowy figure is a "macaroni" wreath Nicholas made for me way back in 2001. :-)
I have 2 children and a hubby...
I like being "the" mom...
we have a dog and 2 cats...
I take alot of pictures...of everything...I love to sew...our house is always "under construction" -- but in a good way...we build walls, closets, decks and lots of other stuff -- but only for our own use...
we do a pretty good job...
This is my happy bluebird...What's yours?
Cool! Isn't Mother Nature amazing!