Monday, February 21, 2011

a day to bake some bread...

I didn't expect to see snow on the ground when I woke up this morning.  We just got rid of that stuff!  The kids are off from school for President's Day -- and since the weather is a little less than cheerful, I thought it would be a good day to bake some bread.  My pantry says that it is not.  Not enough flour and no yeast.  So, off to the grocery store we go -- maybe a couple of hours out of the house will quiet the energetic children, and, recharge me!

Oh, what's up with the photo?  That is Matt the Stikfas resting on an egg.  The photo was taken in March of 2007 -- on the day when eggs were supposed to be able to balance themselves because of the earth's gravity and position and...I don't exactly remember.  All I know is Nicholas posed the figure, the egg is not rolling, and neither is the skateboard.  So today, instead of bread, you get Matt and an interesting egg phenomenon.  Come back during the week for the bread baking tutorial -- and hopefully some other interesting stuff.  :-)

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